When asking, what is the speed of a coyote (prairie wolf), it’s not possible to come up with one speed and be done with it. There are countless variables for how fast coyotes are, as it would compare the speed of dogs, deer or wolves, the cartoon beeping friend (roadrunner), or even humans.
To begin, the coyote running speed depends on the animal’s age and conditioning, as well as the terrain. Distance also has an impact as you can’t maintain top speed forever.
When running, anything that knows it’s traveling long distances will slow down to compensate. The coyote speeds differ for different situations, and until they need a full burst of power, the coyote speed is mostly slow, where they take controlled steps to avoid crushing leaves and keep an eye on suitable prey.
It is good to know how fast can a coyote run (mph) when sprinting, running over moderate distances, and running long distances.
When sprinting fast, coyotes run at speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. Moderate distances may slow to a slower pace of 20 miles per hour. (Learn What Color Are Coyotes Eyes At Night)
In our guide, you can learn more about the running speeds of coyotes based on different scenarios. By the end, you’ll know when the coyote’s speed means it will catch the whitetail deer you are stalking or if your hunting dogs could safely outrun the prairie wolf that threatens them.
Are Coyotes Faster Than Dogs?
Over a short distance, a coyote is faster than humans, as our top speed is around 28 miles per hour. The average speed of a coyote is 40mph, whereas a cat from home could manage speeds of less than 20 mph.
However, you can never compare one coyote against another coyotes speed. Besides this, we know already they can’t maintain a high constant speed.
Here are a few more things about the coyote species and how their speed differs when they are trotting down logging roads or hunting for prey in the distance.
In a head-to-head competition, the grey fox, moose, and jackrabbit can give a coyote a good run. for his money, yet many forest animals may be unable to outrun or match the same speed when coyotes live in their area.
Some animals can sprint faster than a coyote, yet there aren’t many that can equal endurance. Although coyote’s speed drops, they can move continually, traveling hunting trails across North and Central America.
You can see coyotes travel between three and ten miles daily, whether alone or in a pack. Or at least this is what the State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry determines from their studies.
Coyotes frequently travel for several reasons, including hunting, building dens, mating, or just looking around.
While coyotes are tough and can outrun many other predators, coyote pups are vulnerable to predators. Thus, it means they need to learn how to make their tiny paws speed up to reach speeds that will keep them safe from other animals.
Even when adult coyotes defend them, larger animals such as bears, and cougars can be too much for a couple of these dog species to cope with.
As coyotes get older, the slower they get. Hence the reason coyotes living near humans will often get killed as they try to cross a road rather than from hunters. (Read Can Felons Own Crossbows)
Who Is Faster A Deer Or A Coyote?
Coyotes sprint up to 45 miles an hour and are nearly or just faster than many deer.
Unfortunately for the whitetail deer who shares the forest with these coyotes, a top speed of 43 miles an hour is faster than the average deer top speed of 30 mph.
These fast predators may quickly exhaust and overtake a deer to feast on when hunting in packs. But, like most other forest animals and cattle, the deer is in a comparable situation, and just very few animals a coyote is likely to encounter can match or surpass its speed.
Coyotes can run, walk, and trot, and are resourceful, using deer pathways, logging roads, and hunting trails to get around.
These routes allow them to go more quietly and with improved visibility, maintaining a low profile while monitoring their surroundings. Coyotes may even walk on their toes to avoid crushing leaves or twigs beneath their feet, reducing noise.
When spotted, coyotes frequently flee towards open fields and clear-cut regions. On the other hand, Coyotes do not charge out like wolves or with their tails up. This position is both practical and aerodynamic for hunting. By keeping its tail down and racing into the pounce, it keeps its prey safe.
Giving a number and then claiming that number is the answer to how fast coyotes run isn’t very accurate, just like it isn’t very accurate with humans.
To begin, the age and health of the animal and the terrain will be factors. It could also be determined by how far the coyote has run. Consider how your jogging speed will differ if you run 5-6 miles than if you were in a race to get your dog’s home.
If you know you’ll be traveling a long distance, you’ll slow down. You understand that running at full speed for an extended period is impossible. A coyote is the same way and will slow before they hunt, so they have enough stamina to sprint at their full miles an hour to catch and kill their prey.
It’s helpful to have some parameters for how quickly coyotes can run in various scenarios. Consider sprinting, moderate distances, and longer distances as examples. (Read Where To Aim On A Deer)
When running, you could wonder how can their momentum propel them up to such speeds? You’ll often find a coyote sprints up to 45 mph, and such times would be saved when escaping from wolves or other animals that are a threat rather than during their latest hunt.
A coyote may go up to a few miles across moderate terrain, where coyotes travel at a real-life slower pace to maintain a consistent average speed, and during these times, they travel around 20 miles per hour.
If they’re running over 2 to 3 miles, coyotes slow down, and coyote run around 10 miles per hour on average, which you would associate with domestic dogs.
You should note that ten miles per hour are faster than most people can run over long distances, yet much slower than a 45-mile-per-hour recorded speed of the fastest coyote sprint down deer paths to get out of trouble.
Although coyotes live in packs, they usually travel and hunt alone. They differ from wolves which can give the impression that coyotes do not form packs because they are seen alone. You can also see why they have a top speed when they race away from trouble as it could be kill or be killed.
Wolves hunt in packs, so a lone coyote may not be much of a match against a pack of wolves if it were cornered.
Besides all this, you can find many tales involving coyote speed and more. Some claim they can sprint swiftly enough to avoid dangers, although there are times they don’t want to run.
If you believe them or not, it’s intriguing to contemplate how many people have tales of these cunning creatures circling back around to eat their hunting dogs.
Not to mention they warn you not to underestimate such animals as a coyote’s speed doesn’t mean it’ll always run away from you if you come face to face with one.