There is more to bowhunting than picking your bow and arrows and heading off into the wilderness.
The choice of arrows is of particular importance, and these come as broadhead arrows and are used to hunt big game.
Why you may ask? Such a prominent arrowhead is used if you can’t try to kill big game using a field point! Broadheads offer the most penetration and deliver a large cutting surface, increasing your chances of a clean, speedy kill.
In many states, you can find that hunters are limited to using broadheads when big game hunting. When hunting big game in the season, many regions require broadheads to come with minimum diameter and number of cutting edges.
In our guide, you can learn more about the proper arrow archery hunters use the type of bow a broadhead combination goes with.
By the end, you’ll know what game would you hunt with a broadhead, what kind of bow does Rambo use, and how to adjust your mechanical expandable steel blades for big game hunting. (Read In Hunting It Is Important To Know Which Eye Is Dominant)
What Do You Call The Process of Adjusting the Nocking Point?
Tuning your bow entails moving the nocking point up and down, as well as the arrow rests assembly from side to side, to achieve stable arrow flight.
An arrow may fishtail, moving side to side) or move up and down if your bow isn’t correctly adjusted.
Such adjustments can significantly impact hunting as you need your broadhead to hit the vital organs to cause massive blood loss in your big game. If you hit an animal incorrectly, it may not kill the animal but rather wound it where it could take up to seven days to die by slowly bleeding to death.
Types of Broadheads
All hunters are required to undergo hunter training, and apart from all you’ll learn about how to use a recurve bow, etc., there are many other things covered.
Arrowheads come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
The basic types of broadheads are usually used for hunting big game. It may contain a different number of steel blades. The broadhead is the only arrowhead that can be used for big game hunting. It must be well-made and razor-sharp at all times. The minimum diameter and number of cutting edges of a broadhead used to hunt big game are regulated by many jurisdictions. (Read Best Survival TV Shows To Watch)
Mechanical (Expandable) Blade Broadhead:
Blades are retracted near the ferrule before the shot with a mechanical (expandable) blade broadhead. The blades are solidly built and expand on impact, revealing the cutting edges.
Because most require additional energy to open upon penetration, these are only suggested for use with bows rated 50 pounds draw weight or more. A compound bow uses pulleys and wheels so that you can hold your bow at full draw without too much effort or risk.
Broadheads are usually utilized for big game hunting. Therefore, choosing the right arrow and broadhead combination for your bow and the game you’re hunting is crucial for the most penetration.
Fixed, removable, and mechanical (expandable) blades are the three major varieties of broadheads.
Whatever sort of broadhead you use, it must be sharp, sturdy, and appropriate to your equipment and the size of the wildlife you’re hunting to cut through tissue and blood vessels. So, after each practice session and before going into the field to hunt, the blades must be sharpened.
All bows can employ a “cut-on-contact” broadhead, but a lower poundage compound bow should use one to maximize penetration. All
Broadhead Wrench
Broadheads should be screwed on with a special wrench. While a broadhead is tightened on an arrow spine, this device protects the blades. Even the tiniest slip can cause a significant cut if you don’t use a wrench.
Broadhead Sharpness
Pass a broadhead through rubber bands strung over a small aperture to see how sharp it is. Your broadhead is sufficiently sharp and ready for your hunt when the bands cut easily.
Fixed blades, when damaged, mean the entire head is ruined, although removable blades can be changed so long as the rest of the head is intact, and the arrow shaft isn’t damaged.
What Bow Does Rambo Use?
Rambo uses a Hoyt Gamemaster longbow, and this compound bow, unlike other traditional bows like the Longbow or the Recurve, the compound bow is a more sleek, advanced version.
The bow string passes around pulleys, so you get maximum power from the draw weight. However, whether you are hunting big game or fighting foreign armies, you don’t want fatigue setting in with too high a draw weight. (Read What Is The Most Effective Shot For Deer Size Animals)
Using a compound, you can hold at full draw with little effort so you can sight your target easier than other bows.