It doesn’t matter what kind of camping trips you go on, there is one thing no one needs to do without, and that is the perfect cup of coffee no matter what time of the day.
Because there are many kinds of campers, there are various ways you cannot just have your favorite coffee, but also how you can make it.
Here we will look at a few ways you can make camp coffee, so you can adapt to the type of camping excursion you will be having.
Rest assured, along with your camping can opener. You will be making sure the things you need for camping includes one of these camping coffee makers.
Instant Coffee
While this doesn’t require the use of a camping coffee maker, it shows you can still have great coffee if you purchase the right kind.
Starbucks makes some great flavors, so these are the easiest way of brewing coffee and keeping weight to a minimum.
All you need for these single server portions is some hot water and your trusty camping mug.
French Presses
This kind of coffee percolator is better suited to groups than just a couple of people. When camping in a group, this is one way to make sure the entire family gets their morning cup.
It can also be time to rig up your shower for camping while you wait for all the flavor to seep out of the coffee.
These will deliver enough cups of coffee for several people without any messing around apart from adding the ground coffee and hot water to the French Press.
Once it has soaked the coffee, plunge the handle, and you can pour away with your best camping family coffee maker.
Downsides to these are washing grounds from the inbuilt mesh basket. (Read Boil Water Camping)
The Classic Percolator
Percolator coffee doesn’t come any more traditional than this. This can be the best camping coffee method because your water boils around the coffee grounds.
The most popular are the brightly colored enamel coffee percolators you can see at GSI Outdoors.
There is a distinct way to brew coffee in this percolator coffee pot, so here are the easy-to-follow instructions.
- Make your campfire and burn it until the wood breaks down into glowing coals.
- At the side, make a coal bed about six inches deep and 12 inches across
- Fill the hole with burning coals.
- Now is the time to prepare your camping coffee makers and your ingredients.
- Use around two tablespoons of ground coffee for each cup of water. You may get around six cups depending on the percolator size, so 12 spoons of ground coffee beans.
- Place your coffee in the basket and make sure the lid is on tight.
- Push the basket on the stem, and place the coffee basket in the pot with the water. The water level should be just below the level of the basket.
- Bring to a low boil. This you can do on the fire. You will see this from liquid jumping into the clear handle of the coffee pot lid.
- Remove from the fire and place it on the hot coals to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. You can check the coffee color to make sure it isn’t too weak or too strong.
- The coffee should remain piping hot as long as it remains on the coals and they are hot enough. The coffee will get stronger as the percolation continues.
Moka Pots
If you are after the best camping coffee and think this comes in the way of espresso, then a Moka coffee pot can be ideal.
An espresso maker isn’t like other coffee makers. The bottom is filled with water, and the coffee brew sits in the middle.
You place these on your camp stove or fire, and when you get boiling water, there is a pressurizing action, which forces water through the coffee into the upper section.
The stainless steel coffee maker is more for connoisseurs and car camping fans.
Fast Coffee on the Move
If you are looking for a no-nonsense cup of coffee, there is nothing easier than the pour-over coffee method. After an instant, these also are the lightest and don’t need any special equipment.
You can purchase silicone coffee cones that fold flat and are the ideal size for one cup. Slip in the paper filters, place it on top of your cup, and then add your desired amount of coffee.
Once your water is hot enough, pour over the coffee, and once all the liquid has run through, you should then have a near-perfect cup of Joe to add cream or sugar, too, if you wish.
You can sit back in your best camping chair and watch the sun come up while you wait for the water to run through the coffee.
These are ideal for hikers as they take up no space and are easy to clean.
Cold Brew
One final method of making coffee in advance is cold brew coffee. All you need is to place your coffee in the desired container and top it with the right amount of water. Let the container steep overnight or for the recommended 18 hours.
Keep the container out of the sun as it steeps, and you will have some refreshing coffee you can drink cold.
This isn’t to everyone’s taste, yet it can give you a much-needed caffeine fix while you are halfway down a trail or sat in the middle of a lake doing a spot of kayak fishing.