Fishing has always been one of America’s favorite pastimes. There aren’t many ways for you to enjoy the outdoors and the water by spending time on a boat fishing out in the open. It’s a therapeutic hobby that builds patience and timing and can even test your character.
But, it isn’t that easy for you to go to the nearest lake and then hop on a boat to fish in many cases. Plenty of different states have different laws governing fishing, even if you will catch and release them. (Read How to Start Fishing Guide)
That is because maintaining the lands and waters on which you can fish does require money and can be pretty challenging to do. This is why fishing needs to be regulated well enough, especially if states want enough upkeep.
Do I need a fishing license for catch and release?
For those who want to start fishing but are unsure whether they need a license, you have come to the right place. Even those who are merely going to fish for fun and will catch and immediately release fish right after may still need a license.
The reason is that licenses allow states to regulate fishing activities while also allowing them to have enough funds to maintain their lands and waters.
So, in that regard, if you are wondering if you need a fishing license for catch and release, the answer is generally yes. Although some states differ, most states will still require you to have a fishing license regardless of your goals.
That’s why it still is better for you to be sure enough that you would secure a fishing license.
In short, it doesn’t matter whether you intend to keep the fish or if you are releasing it back into the water. (Read Do You Need a License to Drive a Boat)
Most states cannot be sure of your intentions, so it is still better to make sure that people secure their fishing licenses. After all, the lands and waters in which you fish need to be adequately maintained as well.
Another thing you need to note is that there is no such thing as an all-state fishing license. Just because you have a license to fish in one state doesn’t necessarily mean that you can fish in all other states. You also have to ensure that you secure a license in a certain state if you want to fish there.
The good news, however, is that some states share the same body of water. For example, a saltwater fishing license will be honored in Maryland because they share the same water body. It would be absurd if Maryland were to require you to secure another fishing license if you are already allowed to fish in the same waters in Virginia.
Exceptions to the general rule
While the general rule is that you need a fishing license even if you are catching and releasing the fish, there are still exceptions.
For those who are wondering at what age you will need a fishing license, the general rule is that you have to be at least 16 years old for that. But if you are under 16 and are caught without a fishing license, you don’t need to worry.
That’s because you are part of the exceptions to this rule, and you can fish even without a license as long as you are under 16.
Another exception based on age is if you are 65 and older and show proof of your age. After all, fishing is one of the best ways for retired people to pass the time. You wouldn’t want to take away one of their hobbies by requiring them to secure a fishing license.
Personnel of the armed forces can also fish without a license. But the rule is that you must not be stationed at the state you are fishing and that you are on a 30-day leave. If you don’t qualify under those rules, you would still need a fishing license.
Of course, if you happen to be fishing in a private property or a human-made fish pond that is less than 20 acres, a license isn’t needed.
However, you have to make sure that the human-made pond is located in your private property for you to qualify for that rule.
Why do you need a fishing license?
Those who are still wondering what’s using a fishing license if you are still just going to release the fish, read on.
The truth is that it will be too difficult to tell whether the fisherman intends to release or keep the fish. There is no way for states to adequately disclose that unless they check every fisherman out there in the water. It would be too inefficient and absurd if states were to do that every time they see someone fishing. (Read How To Fillet A Flounder)
Instead of simply relying on the honesty of a fisherman’s intentions, it has become a better solution for states to impose fishing licenses.
If left unchecked and unregulated, just about any fisherman can fish and lie about their intentions. A license will easily allow states to be able to keep an eye out for shady fishing practices.
Of course, fishing licenses also allow the state to collect some revenue. The money collected from people securing licenses can easily be used to upkeep the fishing lands and waters. Fish aren’t infinite after all, and they still need to be adequately maintained so that bodies of water don’t run out of fish. (Read Best Fish Finders for the Money)
Some states also use the revenue they get from fishing licenses to arm their authorities with the proper equipment.
They could purchase boats and other similar types of equipment that would allow authorities to regulate fishermen.
That said, you have to understand that fishing licenses are not meant to punish fishermen. Instead, they are merely meant to regulate the practice of fishing and to make sure that there will be enough fish for everyone.
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